JB Kind pledges two years of fundraising support for Dementia UK
Our charity fundraising is very important to us and we’re pleased to confirm that for the next two years we will be fundraising for Dementia UK.
We’re thinking up some great fundraising ideas to help raise money for Dementia UK’s “Admiral Nurses” with the hope that Derbyshire will no longer miss out on this exceptional service.
Across the UK, Admiral Nurses from Dementia UK provide specialist one-to-one support, guidance and practical solutions for families with a member who has dementia and support and advice for healthcare professionals who work alongside dementia patients – however, Derbyshire doesn’t have an Admiral Nurse and JB Kind Managing Director, James Cadman, feels that families in the county are at a disadvantage because of this.
James says:
“With more than a million people predicted to be diagnosed with dementia by 2021, it’s an illness which is high on the agenda for our local community as well as health professionals. If you need specialist support in Derbyshire, the nearest Admiral Nurse is available to staff and students at De Montfort University in Leicester or there is a nurse in the City of Stoke-on-Trent, neither of which is practical for Derbyshire patients and their families.
“Having heard moving testimonials from families who have benefited from the support of an Admiral Nurse to help them cope with the challenges a dementia diagnosis can bring, we would love it if our support for the charity might inspire others to get behind us too, so that this invaluable service might be provided locally.
“Dementia affects so many of us, and it can be a cruel disease when a patient starts not to recognise loved ones. We would like to encourage individuals and businesses to consider supporting Dementia UK in whatever way they can.
“At JB Kind we really feel it’s our duty to give back to our community and we have a strong track record of doing so. We are proud to be supporting this extremely worthwhile charity for the next two years.”
Dr Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO of Dementia UK, said: “We’re thrilled to hear that JB Kind Doors will be supporting us throughout 2019-20. Thanks to this support, our dementia specialist Admiral Nurses will be able to provide their compassionate, expert support to even more families – giving them the tools and practical advice to face the toughest challenges dementia brings.”
Some facts and figures about dementia in the UK:
- Dementia is an umbrella term for progressive brain conditions – there are more than 200 different types
- The most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer’s Disease; vascular dementia; frontotemporal dementia; dementia with Lewy Bodies and mixed dementia
- Those who are diagnosed with dementia before they reach 65 are classified as having “young onset” dementia. Sometimes the symptoms are wrongly attributed to depression, stress, relationship difficulties or work-related issues
- More than 850,000 people in the UK are living with dementia today
- While you can’t avoid getting dementia, you can lower your risk by living a healthy lifestyle
James concludes:
“We would like to raise the profile of the superb support that Admiral Nurses can offer people with dementia, their families and the healthcare staff that care for them, so this won’t be the last you’ve heard from us on the topic.”
If you would like to fundraise for or donate to Dementia UK log onto Dementia UK to find out how.